I’m Nicolas, a photographer and film director from New Caledonia, in the Pacific Ocean. Originally from Oléron Island in France, my passion for the sea has led me to photograph the maritime environment from the very beginning of my journey.

As a photographer for the CAPA Agency in Paris, my way of highlighting these maritime environments, whether human or nature, my adventurous side and my pleasure in meeting people has enabled me to work in the world for international companies, scientific missions and non-governmental nature conservation organization.

I have won several prizes in contests such as that of the European Federation of National Maintenance Societies, for a photography illustrating the intervention of a maintenance team by helicopter, on the Horns Rev I offshore wind farm in Denmark.

These various experiences have made me a specialist in maritime photography, from the underwater world to the work at sea.

About me

Nicolas Job
50, Rue Catalan
98 800 Nouméa, New Caledonia

+687 51 77 09 - New Caledonia

65 Epaves en Bretagne

J'ai passé 5 années à travailler sur ce guide de plongée de 250 pages. Il présente 65 épaves de Bretagne Nord, de 10 à 72 mètres de profondeur, donc 45 jamais décrites auparavant.


Nicolas Job
50, Rue Catalan
98 800 Nouméa, New Caledonia

+687 51 77 09 - New Caledonia