short films & corporate videos

1. The ICONA project aims at facilitating innovative research on the ecosystem-level effects of ocean acidification using natural analogues and to efficiently disseminate the findings that can underpin adaptive management strategies to mitigate the impacts of rapidly changing ocean conditions.




2. The Service Operation Vessel Wind of Change is one of the world's most technologically advanced ships working on wind farms, enabling technicians to work on the offshore wind turbines comfortably and safely, even during bad weather conditions.

3. The SPANBIOS scientific campaign, in which scientists from the French National Museum of Natural History and the Geological Survey of New Caledonia participate, aims to inventory the deep-sea animals of the northern part of New Caledonia.

4. Octave Douépéré is an outrigger canoe sailor; based on the Isle of Pines in New Caledonia, he takes us to discover traditional fishing to promote sustainable development.

6. Showreel drone 2024.



5. The Marine Educational Areas (MEAs) in the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia, are relatively small coastal area, actively managed in a participatory manner by the pupils from primary to preserve its resources.
